Membership: Terms & Conditions


Membership fees should be paid by 31 August or before you start playing if joining part way through a season when the membership fee may be pro-rated with agreement from the Club Treasurer, Paul Burton.

Your Data

The personal data we hold about you and the reasons we need it are explained in the Club Privacy Notice. The club only shares your personal data as described in the privacy notice.


Old St Mary’s has only extremely limited insurance cover. Members are urged to make their own arrangements for insurance cover for personal injury. Please inform your captain of any medical condition.

Code of Conduct

If accepted as a member, I agree to observe the FA’s Respect Code of Conduct and the AFC’s Spirit of Football programme both on and off the field. I will:

  • Play for whichever of the 3 club teams I am selected for.
  • Be expected to contribute to Driver’s costs for away games where appropriate
  • Adhere to the Laws of the Game
  • Display and promote high standards of behaviour
  • Promote fair play and behave within the spirit of the Laws of the Game
  • Always respect the match officials and their decisions
  • Never engage in public criticism of the match officials
  • Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
  • Avoid bullying, intimidation, harassment and any other unsporting behaviour
  • Always show respect to my captain, manager and fellow team-mates, the opposition and their team officials and supporters and spectators of all ages
  • Ask my team captain to talk to the referee if I have a problem during the game
  • Remember we all make mistakes
  • Shake hands with the opposing team and match officials at the end of every game
  • Never verbally abuse a match official, player or spectator based on appearance, race, religion, gender or sexuality
  • Adhere to the Club Safeguarding Policy regarding young players

I understand that any breaches of the above may result in action being taken by my Club, League or County Association. You are not a paid up member of the club until your membership fee (where applicable) is received. The club reserves the right where appropriate to reject applications for membership.